The landscape of fundraising has undergone a profound transformation due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many nonprofit staff members have shifted to remote work, events have transitioned into virtual or hybrid formats, and donors have embraced technology to support their favorite causes. What’s noteworthy is that these online fundraising strategies are likely to remain prominent even once the COVID-19 crisis has subsided. This is because they offer several advantages that make them more appealing than traditional in-person approaches. When considering nonprofit event sponsorship, it’s essential to understand how online fundraising events play a pivotal role in engaging sponsors and donors alike.

In this article, the focus is on the realm of online fundraising. It discusses its nature, the reasons it is often a superb choice for nonprofits, and guides on beginning the journey. Most importantly, the article presents creative ideas that any organization can implement to raise funds online. These strategies are designed to help achieve fundraising objectives both during the pandemic and in the post-pandemic era.

What Is Online Fundraising?

Online fundraising harnesses the power of the Internet to gather funds. This digital approach allows nonprofits to collect donations without the need for in-person events, door-to-door solicitation, or handling cash. Essentially, with just a laptop and an Internet connection, funds can be raised from the comfort of an office or home.

The Advantages of Online Fundraising 

The onset of COVID-19 prompted a shift towards virtual operations for most nonprofits. Beyond the constraints of a global pandemic, online fundraising remains a highly effective method. The pandemic has accelerated the integration of fundraising activities into the digital world, with many nonprofits now favoring this approach. The advantages are clear:

  • Ease and convenience;
  • Cost-effectiveness;
  • Enhanced accessibility;
  • Broader reach;
  • Attraction of new supporters;
  • Targeted fundraising strategies.

6 Key Benefits of Online Fundraising

  • Ease and Convenience: Traditional fundraising methods, such as organizing events or door-to-door collections, involve extensive planning, managing schedules, and coordinating committees, which can be quite burdensome. In contrast, online fundraising primarily utilizes technology, like online payment processors, reducing the workload to strategic tasks such as goal setting and planning. While initial setup requires effort, subsequent operations are largely managed by the selected technology;
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Online fundraising eliminates the need for expenses associated with physical events, such as venue bookings, catering, direct mail costs, and promotional materials. Many online fundraising ideas are low-cost, leveraging existing technological resources, and some can be implemented virtually free, barring staff time;
  • Improved Accessibility: Physical fundraising events may pose attendance challenges for some, due to travel requirements or conflicting schedules, particularly for those with young children. Online fundraising allows participation from anywhere and at any time, offering flexibility in participation. For example, virtual walk-a-thons can span days or weeks, giving participants freedom in how they engage. Online platforms also provide opportunities to enhance accessibility with features like closed captions, transcripts, and screen-reader friendly content, which are often not feasible in in-person events;
  • Increased Reach: For small nonprofits, geographical limitations can significantly restrict event attendance. Online fundraising erases these boundaries, enabling global outreach. Utilizing social media extends the reach even further, attracting supporters from far beyond the local community. Additionally, tools like Google Ad Grants can enhance online visibility, allowing nonprofits to target specific keywords and optimize key pages like donation forms and educational content;
  • Attraction of New Supporters: A broader reach translates to more potential donors. Online fundraisers not only attract immediate support but also facilitate the collection of prospective donor information. This data can be integrated into donor management systems for ongoing engagement. Even if immediate donations aren’t made, online visibility can lead to future support as interested individuals follow updates and eventually contribute;
  • Targeted Approach: Online fundraising offers greater control over messaging and audience targeting. Personalization of emails using data ensures messages resonate personally with recipients. Social media advertising can be tailored to reach those most likely to support the cause. The digital nature of the campaign allows for real-time evaluation and adjustments, making it possible to experiment with different messaging and visual strategies and implement changes quickly.

Achieving Fundraising Success in the Virtual Realm

Before diving into the array of online fundraising ideas, it’s crucial to understand the seven fundamental steps for orchestrating a successful virtual fundraiser.

Selecting the Ideal Fundraising Idea

While the upcoming section offers numerous excellent ideas, not all may align with your organization’s needs. Selecting the most suitable idea involves considering your goals, audience preferences, and available resources. For those new to online fundraising, starting small or leveraging existing expertise is advisable. This approach allows for experimentation, learning, and growth.

Optimizing Your Website

The ultimate aim of your efforts is to drive donations through your website. Therefore, before embarking on your fundraising strategy, ensure your website is primed for increased traffic. It should be user-friendly, narrate your organization’s story compellingly, and motivate visitors to join your community. A crucial aspect is a well-designed donation page that is prominently linked and offers a variety of options to meet donor preferences. For more insights, refer to the post on the 22 essential features of a nonprofit website.

Gaining Board Approval

Prepare a detailed presentation for your board that covers:

  • The objectives and strategies for achieving them;
  • Benefits of online fundraising;
  • Expected impact of the fundraiser;
  • Estimated costs;
  • Potential software investments;
  • Ways the board members can contribute.

Choosing the Right Fundraising Software

Effective fundraising software is key for managing donations, donor data, and relationships. For online fundraising, integrated tools that automatically update donor information into your database upon donation are vital. This facilitates immediate, personalized communication with donors. If you’re in need of such software, consider options like WildApricot, which offers website building, donation collection, and donor management in one platform.

Developing Marketing Materials

Since your fundraiser is virtual, focus your promotional efforts online. Develop a multi-channel marketing plan that includes website updates, email campaigns, social media posts, paid ads, and partnerships with other organizations and influencers. Prepare your messaging, campaign branding, and consistent, compelling marketing materials for each channel.

Launching Your Virtual Fundraiser

Virtual fundraisers can vary in duration. Regular monitoring is essential to ensure smooth operation and address any technical issues. Be prepared to offer technical support for participants encountering difficulties. Monitor your progress towards your fundraising goal and adjust strategies as needed to optimize results.

Expressing Gratitude and Post-Fundraiser Evaluation

After the fundraiser, promptly thank all participants, donors, vendors, and collaborators for their involvement. Then, conduct a thorough analysis with your team to assess the fundraiser’s success. Evaluate if goals were met and identify what worked, what didn’t, and potential improvements for future campaigns.

Innovative Virtual Fundraising Concepts

three characters taking the bulbs from the box on blue background

Without delay, let’s delve into these creative online fundraising concepts. Feel free to jump to the topic that piques your interest the most!

1. Utilizing Google Ads for Nonprofits

While your website is an invaluable tool for gathering online donations, the key challenge lies in increasing its traffic. Enter Google Ads. These ubiquitous online advertisements are not just for commercial entities; nonprofits can benefit too. Remarkably, Google Ads can be cost-effective for charities, thanks to the Google Ad Grant. This grant allows you to promote your mission without straining your budget. When leveraging this opportunity, focus on crafting ads with engaging language and visuals to draw visitors to your site. Targeting specific demographics can further enhance your ad’s effectiveness. Managing Google Ads, including selecting optimal landing pages and keywords, can be complex. For organizations with limited resources or needing extra assistance, enlisting a Google Ad Grant management agency is an option. They can handle everything from account setup to compliance, freeing you to concentrate on your strategic goals.

2. Mobile Giving Options: Text-to-Give and Text-to-Donate

The convenience of mobile giving is unparalleled. Services like Snowball, Qgiv, and MobileCause simplify the setup, allowing you to focus on choosing a memorable keyword to promote donations. It’s important to understand the two primary mobile giving methods. Text-to-give charges donations directly to the donor’s mobile bill, while text-to-donate sends a link for completing the donation online. Familiarizing yourself with your audience’s preferences is crucial for choosing the right method.

3. Effective Email Fundraising Campaigns

Email campaigns should be a staple in your nonprofit’s fundraising arsenal. They offer a cost-effective way to communicate urgent needs and garner support. To maximize the impact of your campaigns, it’s vital to continually grow your email list. When crafting your emails, remember that your audience receives numerous emails daily. Make yours stand out with an eye-catching subject line, engaging visuals, and a prominent call to action. Your fundraising emails should be distinct from regular communications like welcome emails, event invites, newsletters, and updates. They need to be succinct, focused, and emphasize immediate action.

4. Maximizing Social Media for Nonprofit Fundraising

In today’s digital age, where social media usage is at an all-time high, nonprofits must effectively utilize these platforms for fundraising campaigns. The key is to first develop a strategic plan tailored to each social media channel. Focus on crafting content that clearly communicates the purpose of your fundraising and the impact of donations. This approach not only fosters deeper engagement with your audience but also drives more traffic and donations to your website, and encourages sharing within your followers’ networks. Additionally, if your budget allows, consider using paid social media advertisements to reach new potential supporters.

5. Engaging Donors with a Social Media Challenge

Boost engagement and visibility for your fundraising campaign by introducing a social media challenge to your followers. Encourage them to complete a specific, creative task, capture it in a photo or video, and share it on their social media after donating. Instruct them to tag your organization and use a unique hashtag for the challenge. This strategy not only increases awareness about your cause but also potentially attracts new donors, as the challenge spreads across different social networks through user-generated content.

6. Collaborative Social Media Takeovers

Leverage the support of partner organizations or businesses aligned with your mission through a social media takeover. Arrange for these supporters to dedicate their social media platforms to your cause for a set period, sharing stories, information about your work, and donation prompts. This collaboration can significantly expand your reach and raise awareness. For the participating organizations, it’s an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and strengthen their brand image, potentially leading to increased support and donations from their audience.

7. Leveraging Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is an incredibly effective fundraising method that can be swiftly implemented. With numerous platforms tailored to nonprofit causes, the possibilities are vast.

After selecting an appropriate platform, create a campaign that highlights a specific need, establishes a clear goal and deadline, and embark on promotional efforts. If your campaign tells your nonprofit’s story compellingly, supporters will eagerly spread the word, garnering invaluable support.

8. The Distinction of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

While “crowdfunding” and “peer-to-peer fundraising” are often used interchangeably, they differ significantly in approach. Peer-to-peer fundraising relies on individuals initiating their own micro crowdfunding campaigns on your behalf. Its potency stems from tapping into your supporters’ existing networks and trusted relationships.

Setting up a peer-to-peer fundraising initiative is relatively straightforward. Select a suitable platform, equip your fundraisers with essential resources, including a clear message, compelling visuals, promotional materials, and answers to potential donor inquiries.

To ensure the success of your peer-to-peer fundraiser, motivate your fundraisers. Encourage friendly competition by prompting them to form teams and acknowledging the top performers at the challenge’s conclusion.

9. Amazon Smile: An Easy Giving Opportunity

Amazon Smile empowers Amazon shoppers to donate 0.5% of their purchase price to a charity of their choice.

As a nonprofit organization, the process is straightforward: register your entity with Amazon Smile and encourage your community to use for their Amazon shopping. This incurs no extra cost for them, yet Amazon’s contributions can accumulate over time.

Maximize the effectiveness by spreading the word through your website, email newsletters, social media, and various communication channels, including a link to your organization’s Amazon Smile profile.

10. Doubling Donor Impact through Matching Gifts

Donors are more inclined to contribute when they know their donation will be matched. To make this possible, seek corporate partners or major gift donors willing to match donations up to a predetermined amount. Promote this matching initiative across your online fundraising channels, including your website, emails, and social media platforms.

Essentially, you’re soliciting a single substantial gift from a corporation or major donor, with the potential to significantly increase the number of individual contributions.

If securing a matching gift donor isn’t feasible or preferable, encourage your community to explore matching gift options from their employers. Remind them that many companies have corporate matching programs and will double their donation to your organization upon request.

11. Collaborating with Online Businesses for Charitable Contributions

Numerous online businesses opt to allocate a portion, or even the entirety, of their proceeds to charitable causes as part of their marketing and brand enhancement strategies. They often designate specific product lines or time frames for these initiatives, vigorously promoting them across their various communication channels.

This not only elevates their brand but also cultivates a loyal customer base that continues to patronize their products long after the charitable campaign concludes.

As a nonprofit organization, you can reach out to businesses that share your mission and values, proposing a similar arrangement. In return, they benefit from increased brand loyalty, while your organization receives the proceeds from their sales. You can even offer to promote the campaign within your community, introducing their business to potential new customers. Given the rising trend of online shopping, this partnership is a mutually beneficial endeavor.

12. Collaboration with Online Businesses: Donation Prompt at Checkout

Another straightforward method to collaborate with online businesses is to suggest including a donation prompt during the checkout process.

You may have encountered a cashier at a grocery store asking if you’d like to donate a dollar or two at the register. The concept is identical. Since customers are already entering their credit card information to make a purchase, asking them to contribute a small amount for a charitable cause is a relatively modest request. Recent statistics reveal that 69% of customers respond affirmatively when prompted to donate at checkout, potentially accumulating a substantial sum over time.

Additionally, integrating this donation prompt enhances the company’s brand and positions them as socially responsible businesses. Some companies may even prefer this approach over donating a portion of their proceeds since it doesn’t impact their profit margins.

13. Collaborating with Social Media Influencers for Impact

character taking photos with a smartphone on pink plain background

Social media influencers have become a prominent phenomenon, offering their followers relatable content consistently, fostering deep relationships, and earning trust. This trust translates into substantial influence over the choices made by members of their community, including where they dine, what recipes they try, which products they purchase, TV shows they watch, and nearly everything else imaginable.

For-profit enterprises have effectively harnessed this influence to shape the behavior of potential customers. There’s no reason why nonprofit organizations can’t do the same.

Reach out to a social media influencer to explore potential partnerships. They can assist in various ways, such as making donations to your nonprofit and sharing their experiences with their followers, encouraging their community to contribute, or simply promoting your fundraising campaigns across their social media platforms.

14. E-Card Gifting for Donations

The concept of sending cards or e-cards alongside a donation is not new; many charitable organizations offer to send cards on your behalf when you make a tribute gift in honor or memory of someone. However, have you ever considered inviting people to make a donation in exchange for sending an e-card? Think of it as purchasing a candygram for someone on Valentine’s Day, but with the flexibility to do it year-round and for any occasion.

The setup is straightforward as well. Create a variety of e-cards (or enlist the help of community members) and feature them on your website. Individuals can then select their preferred design, input the recipient’s email address, and even include a special message. Once they make the donation, the e-card will be sent to the intended recipient.

You can also incorporate your organization’s branding and brief messages on the e-cards, ensuring that each card sent spreads the word about your work and possibly encourages the recipient to send their own card to someone.

15. Virtual Silent Auction

Silent auctions have long been a staple for raising funds at various events. Now, with the progression of technology, these auctions can be held online, eliminating the need for physical presence. Prepare for your virtual silent auction with the same attention to detail as a traditional one. Opt for platforms like Auctria, which facilitate online bidding. This allows you to showcase auction items through photographs, manage bids, declare winners, and process payments entirely over the internet.

16. Un-gala

While traditional fundraising galas are a staple for many nonprofits, it’s time to challenge the norm with an “un-gala.” This concept retains the core elements – the same supporters, the same cause, and similar fundraising targets – but without the complexities of a large-scale event. An un-gala invites attendees to purchase tickets for an event they won’t physically attend. Surprisingly, many prefer this option. Organizing an un-gala is straightforward: set up ticket sales, promote the event, and let attendees decide how to spend their time during the event.

17. Live-Streamed Event

Transforming in-person events into virtual ones is not limited to galas. Nearly any event can be adapted to a live-streamed format. If your event typically features a keynote speaker, they can present over platforms like Zoom. Movie screening? Organize a virtual watch party. For more insights, refer to our detailed blog post on organizing successful virtual events, including step-by-step guidance and a sample schedule. Don’t forget to download our Virtual Event Checklist to ensure you cover all necessary aspects. Virtual events offer the advantage of achieving fundraising goals without the expenses associated with large physical gatherings.

18. Virtual Run, Bike, Or Walk

Runs or walks are famously effective fundraising events. They offer participants the chance to push their limits, exercise, and raise funds. You might be surprised to learn that these events don’t require shutting down streets or perfect weather. They can be conducted virtually. Choose a date or a date range for flexibility, set up participant registration, and facilitate fundraising. Kick off the event with a live-streamed ceremony and encourage participants to complete their run or walk in their local area, at their convenience. Participants can record and submit their times, maintaining a spirit of competition. Conclude with a live-streamed ceremony to acknowledge top participants and fundraisers, announce the total funds raised, the beneficiaries of these funds, and hear closing remarks from your organization’s leaders.

19. Active Fundraising Through a Fitness Challenge

Engage your community in a fun and healthy way by organizing a fitness challenge fundraiser. Develop a sequence of concise exercise routines and invite participants to join your live-streamed sessions over several days. Collaborating with a professional fitness instructor can also help attract a larger audience. This challenge provides a perfect opportunity for people to commit to regular exercise while being part of a larger, simultaneous effort. Encourage participants to share their fitness journey and seek sponsorships from friends and family. Just like the virtual run or walk, remember to host opening and closing ceremonies live-streamed and equip your participants with the necessary tools for successful fundraising.

20. Virtual Game Night 

Game nights are universally appealing and offer endless creative possibilities for fundraising. Host a virtual game night where your community can participate from the comfort of their homes. They can engage in a variety of games, such as board games, smartphone games, remote multiplayer online games, or their favorite video games. The key to success for this event is to generate enthusiasm among participants and motivate them to invite their friends and family to join or support the cause.

21. Online Learning Experience with Virtual Classes or Workshops

The shift in event dynamics during the pandemic has opened up new opportunities for nonprofits, particularly in organizing virtual classes or workshops. Activities like cooking classes, mixology sessions, or painting workshops, traditionally suited for small groups, can now reach hundreds of attendees through virtual platforms. Partner with entities like Cozymeal or Liberate Your Palate to offer large-scale, interactive classes over video services like Zoom. Set up your virtual class fundraiser through platforms like Facebook or Eventbrite, establishing a fixed attendance fee. This approach allows for engaging, large-group educational experiences that were previously challenging to organize in physical settings.

22. Cozy Virtual Movie Night Experience

What’s more comforting than snuggling up with your favorite snack and enjoying a great movie? Virtual movie nights are a fantastic way to provide enjoyment to your members and donors while supporting your organization. The pandemic has led to the rise of platforms like Teleparty (previously known as Netflix Party) and Kosmi, which facilitate the hosting of virtual movie nights. These platforms allow you to easily send a link to event attendees, inviting them to join a communal virtual movie-watching experience.

23. Exciting Virtual Trivia Night

Replicating the lively atmosphere of a pub trivia night might seem challenging, but it’s entirely possible and can be just as fun online. Virtual trivia nights have become popular, drawing people together to test their knowledge and win exciting prizes. Organizing a virtual trivia event is straightforward: set up a webinar or a session on your preferred video conferencing platform (like Zoom), devise a set of trivia questions, and have teams register with a donation to participate. Enhancing the event with prizes for the winners adds an extra layer of excitement.

24. Online Merchandise Sales

One of the highlights of attending events is often the swag – those unique branded items like sunglasses, notebooks, mugs, or t-shirts. These items are not only great as trivia prizes but can also be sold through an online sale or virtual store. This approach provides a meaningful way for donors to support your organization while receiving something tangible in return.

25. Virtual Concert

Music has become an integral part of successful events, from selecting the perfect DJ for cocktail hours to featuring live musicians for after-parties or event finales. In the current era, virtual concerts have become standalone events. It’s advisable to feature local musicians or choose a crowd-pleasing cover band. Whether you opt for selling tickets or offering free access with a request for donations, a virtual concert promises to be an entertaining and engaging event.

 26. Corporate Volunteer Grants Program

Many large corporations offer their employees paid leave to volunteer with local nonprofits, but did you know they often provide financial donations too? That’s right, not only do you benefit from the volunteer’s time, but you can also receive a monetary contribution. The donation typically depends on the volunteer hours contributed, meaning the more the volunteer dedicates time to your organization, the more you benefit financially. This program is applicable to both in-person and virtual volunteering. Encourage volunteers to assist remotely in areas like graphic design, social media management, or data entry. Volunteers should inquire with their employers about available volunteer grant programs. Not all companies offer this, but asking could prompt them to consider starting such a program.

27. Virtual In-Kind Fundraising

In-kind donations refer to non-monetary contributions, including items like clothing, food, supplies, equipment, or even someone’s professional expertise. Soliciting in-kind donations can predominantly be managed online. Reach out to your community digitally, listing the specific items or services needed. To maintain a virtual approach for donors, suggest they provide their services remotely or have physical items shipped directly to your organization, ensuring a streamlined and contactless process.

28. Pledge Drive Fundraising

A pledge is a commitment to donate a specified amount in the future. Engage your community with an a-thon style event (like a walk-a-thon) where participants fundraise based on their performance. For instance, in a walk-a-thon, donors might pledge $5 for every mile walked. If a participant walks 20 miles, each donor would contribute $100. This format not only encourages participants to engage in positive activities like walking, running, cycling, or reading but also empowers them to directly influence the fundraising outcome for a cause they support.

29. Virtual Raffle Event

Raffles have always been a popular and effective fundraising method. The combination of supporting a worthy cause and the chance to win a significant prize creates a compelling incentive for donations. Organizing an online raffle is similar to an in-person event. Set your ticket prices, choose attractive prizes, and begin your promotion. Consider using specialized online raffle software for ease, though it’s not mandatory. Remember to check your state’s regulations to determine if a special raffle license is required before commencing ticket sales.

30. Virtual Cocktail Hour with Fundraising Twist

Usually, a cocktail hour is when people meet up in person to have drinks, socialize, and network. But you can recreate this experience online and charge for admission to raise funds.

Just invite your guests to a Zoom gathering. For the “cocktail” part, send everyone a cocktail-making kit through a courier service so they can make their own drinks at home. You can also bring in a professional mixologist on the Zoom call to show some recipes and talk about their history.

31. Virtual Talent Show for Community Fun and Fundraising

Talent shows are a fun way to bring your community together and showcase hidden talents. If setting up a physical event sounds like too much work, consider hosting a virtual talent show. Ask community members to submit performance videos, and then put them together for a virtual show. On the event day, have a live MC on a Zoom call to introduce each act.

You can charge for attendance to raise funds, and you can also let people buy votes to help their favorite act win a prize.

32. Virtual Craft Fair for Handmade Goodies and Fundraising

Handmade crafts make great gifts. Organize a virtual craft fair and invite your community to shop online. You can raise money by charging artisans a small fee to set up a virtual booth on your website and taking a percentage of the sales.

Artisans get exposure to new customers, attendees get handmade items, and your organization raises funds – it’s a win-win-win!

33. Virtual Scavenger Hunt for All-Age Fun and Fundraising

Scavenger hunts are enjoyable for everyone and a great family activity. Get your community involved by inviting them to participate in a virtual scavenger hunt to support your organization. Participants can complete the hunt at their own pace. Your job is to make a list of things to find, whether in your local area or online, and set a deadline. You can even offer prizes for completing the hunt quickly or finding bonus items.


In summary, virtual fundraising provides a practical and effective way to support various causes. The ideas we’ve discussed here not only help raise essential funds but also foster community engagement. Whether it’s virtual cocktail hours, talent showcases, craft fairs, or scavenger hunts, these approaches allow you to reach a wider audience and overcome geographical barriers. Embracing these innovative strategies can help you continue supporting your cause, inspire others, and create a more connected future. Consider bringing your fundraising efforts into the digital realm—your cause deserves it, and your supporters are ready to make a lasting impact.