Leading a professional association comes with an understanding that providing networking opportunities stands amongst the most significant benefits for members.

Organizing physical networking events, however, can be quite challenging. These events require substantial planning, logistics and can sometimes be infeasible due to unforeseen circumstances such as a global health crisis.

Fortunately, the rise of digital technology provides a solution to this predicament in the form of virtual networking. In many respects, online networking carries several advantages over its traditional, in-person counterpart. Dive deeper into this article to understand the merits of virtual networking, learn how to plan your bespoke digital networking events, and explore the wealth of software choices at your disposal.

Experience the Power of Virtual Networking

Virtual networking is an innovative way to create and develop professional relationships in today’s digital age. Far from being just a replacement for face-to-face networking, it serves as a platform for professionals to connect, learn, and progress in their careers. All these can be achieved within their comfort zones, without the constraints of geographical location and time.

The virtual networking landscape is vast, encompassing multiple channels. It’s not limited to one form but rather a medley of platforms that you can leverage to connect with like-minded individuals, forge strategic partnerships, and stay on top of industry trends.

The Power and Importance of Virtual Networking

In the modern world, virtual networking has become a crucial part of the professional landscape. It surged in popularity during the global upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, providing a safe and remote means of nurturing professional relationships. But the phenomenon of virtual networking predates the pandemic. Particularly among tech-savvy professionals, virtual networking has been a chosen mode of building connections, owing to the unique advantages it confers.

Advantages of Virtual Networking

Indeed, virtual networking offers benefits that are simply not possible with traditional in-person networking:

  • Accommodates Busy Schedules: With work and personal commitments, professionals often struggle to find time for networking. Virtual platforms provide a solution by allowing networking to fit into even the most hectic schedules, eliminating time spent on travel and event logistics;
  • Enhances Accessibility: For professionals with disabilities or chronic illnesses, virtual networking eradicates the substantial barriers that physical networking events can present, thus promoting inclusivity;
  • Breaks Geographical Barriers: Virtual networking allows professionals to participate in events and engage with individuals located in places they might not have the means or time to physically travel to;
  • Enables Global Participation: Event organizers can invite global speakers and foster international collaborations without worrying about travel constraints or expenses;
  • Cost-Efficient and Time-Savi

Understanding Networking Goals for Optimum Engagement

To create a virtual networking experience that yields value for your members, it’s essential to grasp their objectives. While networking aims can differ among individuals, they commonly revolve around these core areas:

  • Fostering Professional Networks: A dynamic, engaged community of professionals in a similar field can be a valuable resource for sharing ideas, solving problems, and providing support. This union can pave the way for a more rewarding and successful career;
  • Enhancing Skills and Knowledge: Professionals consistently seek avenues to grow and enhance their skillset. Networking often provides the means to hear about intriguing workshops, insightful webinars, or beneficial courses. These can be recommended by industry peers who attested to their usefulness;
  • Uncovering Job Opportunities: Many vacancies never make it to public job portals and are filled through word-of-mouth or internal networks. Regular engagement with industry professionals can uncover these ‘hidden’ job opportunities.
Girl talking to colleagues via video call

Designing a Successful Virtual Networking Event: An In-depth Guide

Despite the virtual setting making the event planning process less complex than its in-person counterpart, it still demands careful thought and organization for a successful outcome. Here are key factors to consider when mapping out your next online networking event:

  1. Identify the Aim of the Event

The event’s purpose is the compass that guides all other decisions. Reflect on what your members aspire to achieve from virtual networking and build your event around that. A more precise approach would be to conduct a survey, obtaining first-hand data on their preferences and expectations.

  1. Decide the Format of Your Event

There are various formats a virtual networking event can take, each with its unique advantages. The choice should align with your event’s goals and what your members find most engaging.

  1. Determine the Event Size

The number of attendees would shape your decisions about the event’s structure and the software needed to host it. Moreover, it impacts the cost of the event. You want a number that guarantees interaction, engagement and achieves the set objectives.

  1. Select the Necessary Features

The success of a virtual event is also defined by the features available for engagement. Depending on your needs, these could range from online forums, breakout rooms, to instant messaging functionalities. It’s essential to explore various virtual networking platforms and opt for one that can accommodate your required features.

  1. Promotion and Marketing Strategy

Effective promotion is key to ensuring a high turnout at your event. Your marketing approach will vary based on the target audience — it could be an exclusive event for members or an open invitation to the public. The more diverse the attendees, the richer the networking opportunities.

  1. Measure Event Success

Finally, create a plan to assess the success of your event. This could be defined by attendee number, new member acquisitions, or the feedback from a post-event survey. The criteria for success should reflect the goals you established at the onset.

Transformative Tips for Hosting Successful Virtual Networking Events

Captivating a virtual audience needs strategic planning as attendees have various distractions within arm’s reach. Hence, the event needs to be meticulously planned and hosted to maximize engagement and participation. The following points illustrate ways to retain attention and foster interaction during a virtual networking event:

  1. Craft a Conducive Atmosphere

Not all professionals find networking a comfortable process. It’s crucial to create an environment that puts attendees at ease to elicit active participation. Simple icebreaker activities or a round of introductions can encourage interaction and make members feel welcomed.

  1. Establish Clear Expectations

Right from the start, be clear about the intent of the event, the expected outcomes, and the event’s flow. When attendees are clear about what to expect, they are more likely to stay engaged throughout the event.

  1. Provide a Short Digital Tutorial

While many are conversant with digital platforms, do consider that some participants might require a walkthrough to navigate the platform seamlessly. A brief tutorial on essential functionalities – like using breakout rooms, instant messaging, submitting queries, etc. – can avoid technical hiccups during the event.

  1. Replicate Physical Event Features Virtually

In a physical event, factors like free food are often used as incentives to attract attendees. Try mimicking this in the virtual space by providing electronic gift cards for a food delivery service. Attendees can order their meals and enjoy them while benefiting from the virtual event.

Tips for Virtual Networking Events: Post-Event

The conclusion of your virtual event shouldn’t signify the end of your efforts to engage and grow your professional relationships. Keeping the conversation alive post-event is a crucial step to cultivate continued connections and interactions between attendees.

After your virtual networking event has concluded, it’s best to follow up with a heartfelt thank you note to all participants, including attendees and presenters. Sending out personalized emails not only shows your gratitude but also leaves a positive impression.

Next, designing a post-event survey can offer invaluable insights. By understanding what worked well and what could use improvement, you can optimize future events. Include questions that gauge participant satisfaction, ask for suggestions, and inquire about favorite aspects of the event.

To enable further interaction among attendees, consider distributing a directory of participants. However, ascertain you have their consent before sharing any contact details. This attendees list fosters a platform where participants can continue networking and building upon the professional connections initiated during your event.

If you used a networking-focused event platform, it would be beneficial to keep this platform accessible for a few weeks post-event. Participants can comfortably revisit the platform, retrieve contact information, and engage in follow-up conversations. Regularly encourage them to reach out and nurture the relationships they began at your event.

Powering Virtual Connections: 9 Innovative Ideas for Virtual Networking Events

Virtual networking has become an effective way to build and grow professional relationships across the globe. But how can you make your networking events engaging and productive? Here are nine creative and unique ideas you can implement:

1. Expert Talk or Panel Discussion:

Plan an engaging virtual meeting featuring industry experts or host a panel discussion. This session can conclude with a Q&A, followed by breakout rooms for networking. Encouraging participants to join different rooms can facilitate varied discussions and interactions, adding depth to the networking experience.

2. Facilitated Roundtable Chat:

A roundtable discussion where every participant gets an opportunity to speak can be quite effective, especially for smaller groups. For larger gatherings, you can use breakout rooms and have a spokesperson from each room share their key takeaways, promoting engagement and active participation.

3. Digital Social Hour:

Virtual social hours are informal and typically scheduled after working hours. To make it more enjoyable, prepare fun conversation starters or mini-games. This setup helps attendees build relationships while enjoying themselves.

4. Virtual Speed Networking:

Platforms like Zoom offer breakout room features ideal for speed networking. Attendees can interact in small groups for a set period before moving on to another group. These short, swift sessions can facilitate quick connections and interactions.

5. Cyber Classes or Group Mentoring:

Pairing professional development with networking is a win-win. Hosting webinars, classes, or group coaching sessions offer attendees not only skill enhancement but also a chance to connect with like-minded individuals. Reserve some time post-session explicitly for networking.

6. Mentorship Initiatives:

A virtual mentorship program benefits both mentors and mentees. Matching them based on interests and experience and scheduling virtual meetings offers a convenient and flexible way of learning and networking.

7. Virtual Community Service Project:

Networking can pair with giving back to the community. Organize group volunteering activities like assembling care packages or writing thank you cards while being on a video call. Many organizations offer guidance in setting up virtual volunteering activities.

8. Digital Community:

Virtual networking doesn’t always require video calls or events. Setting up an online community – on your website, Facebook, LinkedIn, or a dedicated space, allows members to network at their convenience.

9. Industry-Specific Social Media Hashtags:

Lastly, suggest your members follow and engage with industry-specific hashtags (e.g., #TechTalks). This initiative can help them join relevant discussions and make valuable connections organically.

A group of colleagues got together for a video conference

Seven Cutting-Edge Tools for Streamlined Virtual Networking

1. AirMeet

AirMeet is a versatile platform specializing in hosting immersive events and meet-ups. With the ability to host live sessions and networking lounges, it is ideal for large-scale collaborative discussions.

Pricing: Free for unlimited events with up to 100 participants. Premium plans start from $99 per month.

2. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an integrated communication and collaboration platform. With seamless integration with other Office 365 apps, it’s excellent for teams already leveraging Microsoft’s suite.

Pricing: Free with limits. Premium plans start from $5 per user per month.

3. GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting is a robust video conferencing and online meeting tool, facilitating one-to-one meetings, group calls, and webinars with ease.

Pricing: Free trial available. Plans start from $12 per organizer per month.

4. EventsFrame

EventsFrame is a comprehensive tool for event managers, providing features for ticketing, registration, check-ins, and a host of analytical tools.

Pricing: Basic plan starts at $20 per month. Premium packages also available.

5. BeeKonnected

BeeKonnected is a community-focused platform that allows organizations to set up a dedicated virtual space for sharing resources, communication, and networking.

Pricing: Information available on request.

6. Hopin

Hopin is a comprehensive platform offering solutions for online, offline, and hybrid events. It stands out with its networking and matchmaking features.

Pricing: Information available on request.

7. Remo

Remo is specifically designed for hosting interactive virtual events. Attendees can effortlessly hop between rooms, enabling relevant discussions and meaningful connections.

Pricing: Information available on request.


In a digitally interconnected world, effective virtual networking is paramount. It’s about cultivating relationships and fostering a sense of community, transcending geographical barriers, and seamlessly integrating into our professional lives. With an array of robust virtual tools at our disposal, embracing virtual networking can lead to enhanced professional growth and holistic development. Remember, the success of networking lies in not just making new connections, but nurturing and sustaining them over time. For further insights and ideas, we highly recommend exploring our article on volunteer appreciation events. It offers valuable perspectives and creative approaches to honor and celebrate the dedication of volunteers, an essential aspect of fostering a supportive and engaged community.